「新・源氏物語の四季 21世紀に甦る王朝ロマン」 Title: The Four Seasons of the New Tale of Genji - Dynasty romance revived in the 21st century -
読売新聞の額絵シリーズ(非売品) 日本画家・石踊達哉による源氏物語の名画集です。季節感あふれる名画の複製画が、1枚ずつファイルされています。解説も完備。 Framed picture series published by Yomiuri Shimbun (not for sale) A collection of masterpieces depicting the four seasons of The Tale of Genji. It is the work of Tatsuya Ishiodori, a Japanese painter. Reproductions of famous paintings full of a sense of the season are carefully wrapped in clear files one by one. There is also an explanation in Japanese.
2001年発行ですが、非常に状態がよく、新品同然です。 Although it is an old book published in 2001, it is in very good condition and is like new.
The Tale of Genji is a classic work of Japanese literature written in the early 11th century by the noblewoman and lady-in-waiting Murasaki Shikibu. It may be the world"s first novel, the first psychological novel, and the first novel still to be considered a classic particularly in the context of Japanese literature.
「新・源氏物語の四季 21世紀に甦る王朝ロマン」
Title: The Four Seasons of the New Tale of Genji - Dynasty romance revived in the 21st century -
Framed picture series published by Yomiuri Shimbun (not for sale)
A collection of masterpieces depicting the four seasons of The Tale of Genji. It is the work of Tatsuya Ishiodori, a Japanese painter. Reproductions of famous paintings full of a sense of the season are carefully wrapped in clear files one by one. There is also an explanation in Japanese.
Although it is an old book published in 2001, it is in very good condition and is like new.
The Tale of Genji is a classic work of Japanese literature written in the early 11th century by the noblewoman and lady-in-waiting Murasaki Shikibu.
It may be the world"s first novel, the first psychological novel, and the first novel still to be considered a classic particularly in the context of Japanese literature.